The Most Common Types of Personal Injury

We have come to associate the term ‘personal injury’ for accidents that happen when someone else is responsible, and is a potential situation which could lead to the injured party making a claim for compensation.

In this article we take a look at some of the most common personal injury types and how they can be caused.

 Strains and sprains

This is mostly associated to jobs based around manual labour and lifting. However, even office and clerical work can require the moving of supplies or other boxes from time to time. Injuries sustained by this type of activity account for more than a third of work related accidents.

Much of whether a claim can be made will be down to if the relevant safety procedures have been explained to the employee beforehand, or if the appropriate lifting equipment has not been provided. 

 Burns and chemical damage

 When chemicals are not being handled properly or electrical equipment and installation not being maintained to a safe standard it can be extremely dangerous for those around it. Electric shocks from mains devices can be fatal in a worst case scenario and minor discharges can cause serious burns.

 Accidents involving hazardous materials often occur as a result of lax safety procedures. In any workplace where appropriate signage and training is not provided, injuries sustained will more than likely be eligible for compensation.


 Most of us encounter traffic in our daily lives, where it is as a driver, passenger or even as a pedestrian. So it is no surprise that a great many personal injury claims arise from accidents involving motor vehicles.

 Whiplash is one of the most common injuries sustained by drivers and passengers of cars involved in collisions. It is inflicted by the weight of the head and neck being forced forward and backward during a sudden change of speed or impact.

 As well as causing great pain and discomfort, the damage it can cause to the nerves that travel through the vertebrae can lead to serious complications.


It isn’t only physical injury that can lead to a successful claim. Illnesses, whether short or long term, are also covered and in some cases psychological complaints count as personal injury too. If these conditions are aggravated or triggered by your place of work or a third party then you may be entitled to lodge a claim for compensation.

 Ultimately, if something impacts your well-being, quality of life or disrupts your lifestyle then there may be a basis to claim.

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