Whats involved in motorbike insurance quotes?


Obtaining typical motorbike insurance quotes requires that you provide the insurer with certain key information, including:

• information about your age, sex and where you live – things such as your postcode, where the bike will normally be parked when not in use and your age may have an effect on the final premium of your motorcycle insurance;

• your estimated annual mileage – as a general principle, the higher your mileage each year is, the less cost-attractive your final insurance premium may be (be careful to avoid deliberately underestimating this figure in an attempt to keep your premiums down, as this may result in a future claim being rejected);

• the nature of your motorcycle (including the make and engine size etc) – motorbike insurance quotes for bigger and more powerful machines may tend to carry commensurately bigger and more powerful price tags;

• your licence details – if you are a young rider or have held your licence for only a short period of time, you may need to be realistic and assume that you will be paying a higher price for your insurance than someone who is older and with more experience;

• your security measures – motorbike insurance quotes may be a little more cost-attractive if you are able to indicate that you have fitted additional security devices to your bike and/or securely garage it overnight in a locked premises;

• details of any modifications to the bike – insurers are traditionally uneasy about bikes that have been modified away from the manufacturer’s original specification – so those new extended forks may look cool on your machine but you may have to anticipate a detrimental effect on the cost of your insurance;

• details of any no claims discount you may hold – this may be particularly appropriate if you are considering changing from one insurer to another, as any cumulative discounts you have may be transferable (there is little point in making a false declaration in this area, as the new insurer will typically require evidence to support your assertion);

• information relating to any claims you have made recently – related to the above points, insurers may wish to see whether or not you have a history of accidents and claims (they may also have their own sources for checking this particular point of detail);

• the final declaration that the information you have provided is accurate – remember that insurers may have ways of checking the truth of your statements and particularly in the event of a subsequent claim, making a false insurance declaration, as part of seeking motorbike insurance quotes, may be considered to be a prosecutable offence. You may also find it very difficult to obtain motorcycle insurance in future if you are caught out in being economical with the truth.

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photo credit: Flannol

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